Een onafhankelijke vereniging die kennis over, en dialoog met, China als doelstelling heeft.

Een onafhankelijke vereniging die kennis over, en dialoog met, China als doelstelling heeft.

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Ontmoet internationale collega’s en geïnteresseerden tijdens de BeleggersFair 2024. Neem deel aan de VNC Masterclass. Het thema van deze VNC masterclass is Investeren in Energietransitie. Om in de toekomst klimaatbestendig te blijven in onze wereld, zijn nieuwe en hernieuwbare vormen van energie nodig.

Tijdens de Masterclass van de VNC zullen gerenommeerde ondernemingen en sprekers ingaan op de energie transitie en innovatie,  gericht op de toekomst en met vernieuwende inzichten over de aanpassingen die nodig zijn Hierbij richten wij ook op de rol die China speelt in de energietransitie op mondiaal niveau. 

           Programma en verkort overzicht van de onderdelen van de VNC Masterclass op 15 november 2024 in de Graanbeurszaal
Deuren open/receptie in de Graanbeurszaal
Welkomstwoord door Monique Knapen, VNC voorzitter
Introductie door Chi Lau, Masterclass voorzitter and moderator
Keynote spreker Machiel Mulder, Professor Energie Economie van Universiteit van Groningen
Zhi Pan, Secretaris AssociaMon of Chinese Investment Enterprises in the Netherlands (ACIEN)
Huang Daiquan, General Manager van de China ConstrucMon Bank Europe (CCB)
Ada Sun, Head of West EU in Aiko Solar
Lily Qiu, Gerard Scheper van EAEST (European AssociaMon of Energy Storage Trade)
Jean-Paul van Oudheusden, eToro’s marktanalist
Paneldiscussie and Q&A geleid door Chi Lau, Masterclass Chairman and Moderator
Afsluiting door Monique Knapen, VNC-voorzitter
(zie hierna het gehele overzicht in het Engels)
Deze VNC Masterclass is gratis aangeboden door VNC. Met het toegangsbewijs dat je ontvangt, ben je de gehele dag welkom op de beurs  (09:00-17:00) en kun je tevens inschrijven/deelnemen aan de andere masterclasses Registreer via de QR code of klik hier 





Meet professional working in the field of new solutions regarding energy. As VNC we welcome Chinese and Dutch companies and organizations to share their insights with us to give you new knowledge and connections to invest, learn and improve.




15:00 Doors open reception at the GRAANBEURS-hall 

15:30 Welcome by Monique Knapen, Chair of the Netherlands China Association (VNC).

Monique Knapen is Chair of VNC and co-founder of Beyond Exhibitions and The China Connector that connects brands, companies and institutions with Chinese audiences. 

15:40 Introduction by Chi Lau, Masterclass Chairman and Moderator

Chi Lau is VNC board member and owner of eco Luu, a renewable energy consultant company. Chi has worked in the semi-conductor and lighting industry over the past 30+ years. He was in several senior management positions within Philips and Heraeus. 

15:45 Keynote speech, Machiel Mulder, Professor of Energy Economics at University of Groningen

Machiel Mulder is a specialist in the field of economics of energy transition which appears from his numerous publications on that topic, his various advisory roles to governmental energy-transition policies, his activities in educational programmes on BSc and (executive) MSc level and his appearance in the media to comment on topical developments in the field of energy markets and policy. He has published several books including the Dutch-language book “Energietransitie, eerst snappen, dan doen” (in English: Energy transition, first understand, then act).

16:00 Zhi Pan, Secretary General of Association of Chinese Investment Enterprises in the Netherlands (ACIEN)

Since its establishment, the ACIEN has been committed to promoting the development of bilateral economic and trade between China and the Netherlands. As the only Chinese enterprise association recognized by governments of both sides, ACIEN now has around 120 Chinese companies registered in the Netherlands, many of which are new energy-related companies, including solar panel companies, energy storage companies, electric vehicles, wind energy companies, etc. ACIEN is playing a unique and important role in promoting energy transition cooperation between China and The Netherlands.

16:15 Huang Daiquan, General Manager of China Construction Bank Europe

The China Construction Bank Corporation (CCB) is one of the “Big four” banks in China and is the third largest bank in the world by total assets. In the past decade Chinese companies, including specialized private companies have capitalized on renewable energy abroad. Investments in this sector were mostly funded by companies, not so much by banks yet.  In March 2024, Chinese ministries issued guidance on greening and energy transition that indicated strong support financial institutions for energy sector 

16:30 Ada Sun, Head of West EU in Aiko Solar

AIKO is a world-leading new energy technology company that focuses on R&D and manufacturing of PV core products and integrated solutions for power generation, storage, usage, providing customers with solar cells, AMC modules and scenario-based solutions. AIKO, a forerunner in solar technology and has won several innovation awards. AIKO is continuously investing and focuses especially on promoting photovoltaic (PV) technology.

16:45 Lily Qiu, Secretary General and Gerard Scheper, Senior Expert – EAEST (European Association of Energy Storage Trade)

At the forefront of advancing sustainable energy solutions, the European Association of Energy Storage Trade (EAEST) serve as a global catalyst for innovation and collaboration. Through its platform, EAEST empowers companies to harness the potential of energy storage, bridging the European industry with global partners to accelerate the transition to a greener future. 

17:00 Jean-Paul van Oudheusden, eToro’s market analyst

Jean-Paul van Oudheusden is eToro’s market analyst and has more than 25-years’ experience within the financial services industry, with senior positions at ABN AMRO, Royal Bank of Scotland and IEX Group. He is a regular guest at Business News Radio (BNR). His presentation will focus on investing in Chinese companies in the field of energy transition. He will also emphasize the risks and opportunities of these investments. 

17:15 Panel discussion and Q&A led by Chi Lau, Masterclass Chairman and Moderator

17:30 Closing by VNC by Monique Knapen, Chair of the Netherlands China Association (VNC)

Group Photo-session

17:35 Networking:  time to meet other people in within your sector or specialization. Meet new connections and prospective client and expand your reach! 


NB: Register and receive a free ticket for the BeleggersFair!

Visit the exhibition event throughout the day (09:00am-06:00pm) and participate -in addition to the VNC masterclass– in other masterclasses and programs.

Register here or use the QR code