The Netherlands China Association, is active to share knowledge about China and connect networks.
The VNC is the oldest still active, China-related, association in the Netherlands. Founded in 1977 and still alive and relevant. We are independent and committed to cultural, business and educational endeavors in order to create better dialogue and cooperation between the Netherlands and China.
China is a major player in the world and we think it is important, then and now, to learn about each other and network.
Our members come from all over the Netherlands, sometimes have Chinese roots, are young and old, often professionally involved, but always interested in China in order to learn from each other, inspire each other and sometimes surprise!
To this end, we regularly organize events and publish interesting articles in our periodical ChinaNU+.
We do so without profit, without political or religious affiliation and with purely unpaid volunteers as board and staff.
We have been doing this for more than 48 years.

Establishment of Netherlands-China Foundation
First appearance of ChinaNow Magazine
Sept. 9 Mao died, Deng Xiaoping succeeds him
March 26 Establishment of VNC (continuation of the Netherlands-China Foundation
VNC organizes an international conference on China's foreign policy.
Change of direction in China led by Deng Xiaoping / Four Modernizations
The VNC board, in a letter to the House of Representatives speaking out against the Taiwan order, addresses
VNC Chinese language courses across the country
Organization Regional China Days
The VNC and the Foundation for the Tropics cooperate with the Teleac Foundation in organizing the "Ni Hao" course and the publication of the book "China.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEEVy03up7o)
China information box for elementary schools

Student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square
The presidents of VNC, Belgium-China Association (VBC) and the Association for German-Chinese Friendship (GDCF) in China Now express their disgust at the June 4 events in Tiananmen Square
April 23 China-Netherlands Joint Venture Shanghai Philips Semiconductors

VNC's contribution to the creation of the Chinese Garden in Haren, Groningen : Yi Yuan
Deng Xiaoping deceased and Hong Kong transfer
Transfer Macao
China Day Amsterdam, in celebration of 50th anniversary of the People's Republic of China
VNC organizes Four Platform meetings for Chambers of Commerce of municipalities and provinces with a cooperation agreement with a Chinese city or province
China joins World Trade Organization (WTO)

Establishment of organization for the Rural Chinese New Year at City Hall
of The Hague, Gem The Hague, Embassy CN and the VNC
VNC Symposium 50 years of diplomatic relations Netherlands-China
Oct. 20 opening of the first Confucius Institute in the Netherlands (The Hague by Chinese Minister of Education Yuan Guiren mmv the VNC
VNC Celebrating 30th anniversary in Papendal, more than a thousand participants
VNC moves to Amersfoort and in 2009 to The Hague
Aug. 6 Beijing Olympics, VNC attends opening ceremony
May 1 opening of the first China Film Festival in the Netherlands by Minister Ronald Plassterk. Opening film was the blockbuster "Forever Enthralled" The China Film Festival was an initiative of the Chinese government and the municipality of The Hague and the VNC
VNC Symposium 'China's development and its relationship with the Netherlands: Past and future'
Shanghai World Expo. The Netherlands was prominent with the Dutch Pavilion and the Dutch Culture Center.
Opening of the Chinese Cultural Center in The Hague
The Hague under the Heavens, Contemporary Chinese Art in The Hague referring to the Chinese 'Tian Xia' ( 天 下) or 'All under Heaven,' one of the cornerstones of the Chinese Confucian worldview, Gem. The Hague, VNC
40 years of diplomatic relations on ambassadorial level between China and The Netherlands.
September 21 Official opening of the 798 art "vernissage" of the China Art Festival Moderator: Ms. Lulu Wang, award winning famous Chinese-Dutch author. Municipality of The Hague and VNC

President Xi Jin Ping visits NL, VNC invited to meeting
VNC organizes Major Cities Conference
May 25 VNC participates in the "International Forum People to People" of the Beijing People Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (BPAFFC
May 19 Presentation Foreign Affairs Report: Netherlands China, a New Balance with the participation of the VNC.
VNC Shanghai NL film festival at the World Trade Center
May 22 VNC receives delegation of Chinese 36 Hospitals Ministry of Health.
70 years PRC celebration of National Day on Sept. 17, 2019

Nov. 4 VNC hosts Masterclass at Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam,
DIVERSITY AND CONNECTIVITY NL-CHINA an update on China/Asia-related enterprises and organizations in the Netherlands
VNC president Henk Kool steps down and Monique Knapen takes office as new president
Jan. 22 at Pathe Den Haag, VNC together with Froukje Tan is organizing the pre-premiere of Kung Fu Lion, the first official Dutch co-production with Chin
Mar. 24 VNC symposium in Schiedam: China and the maritime world
Lianne Baaij, Frans Greidanus, Lan Louwe and Aldo Spaanjaars join as new board members.
BOOK LANCING PETER GILL'S BOOK "West meets East" , on understanding Chinese-speaking societies
ChinaNU goes digital and is now called ChinaNU+
Course view of China
VNC signs MOU with Xuhyu district of Shanghai
The VNC is launching a new website.