During a flash visit from Nov. 13 to 15, Queen’s Commissioner Ina Adema led a delegation of about 40 people to the sister province of Jiangsu, all important representatives of leading enterprises, cultural institutions and educational institutions. VNC Board Member Lianne Baaij was along as interpreter and support for Ms. Adema, and Board Member Frans Greidanus led the education delegation.
The reason for the mission was the celebration of Brabant’s 30-year sisterhood with Jiangsu. A unique milestone in these times of geopolitical tensions. Where other governments have decided to freeze or terminate ties with China, Brabant chooses to keep the dialogue with China going in order to be able to discuss more controversial topics in addition to economic development. The theme this trip was therefore corporate social responsibility. In speeches, visits and discussions, attention was drawn to our vision of broad prosperity, and specifically to female leadership and the position of employees.
Solutions to problems
Also, the mission was able to help solve specific problems facing participating companies, such as pork exports. The participating universities were able to exchange knowledge at a well-attended Forum and work on cooperation on educational programs in discussions. The cultural institutions found opportunities for exchange with Chinese museums.
Two VNC board members attended
The highlight of the mission was the festive banquet hosted by the Party Secretary of Jiangsu Province, Mr. Xin Changxing. Our board members toasted with him to a continued good connection between Brabant and Jiangsu.