Through lectures and master classes, the VNC aims to spread knowledge and information about the Netherlands and China and promote cultural and economic relations.
Start of the VNC masterclass series in 2023
Dates: 4, 11 and 18 April
Time: 17:00-19:00
Personal attendance, with the opportunity to ask questions and after-meetingvwith snack/ drink.
Location VNC office (max. 20 people) Burgemeester van Karnebeeklaan 6, 2585BB The Hague, or Online attendance /Offline review with zoom code
According to the IMF and many other authoritative circles, China will undoubtedly be the leader of the world economy in the next century. Until about 1830, China had held this position for many centuries. After a downturn due to wars, insurrections and natural disasters, China has found its way back to definitely be at the top of world economic order in the next century. People in the West are now constantly wondering what the consequences and impact of China’s incredible economic growth means for the world order. What are the cultural, economic and political implications? Many questions and, unfortunately, not always clear answers.
It is the objective of the VNC to promote interest and contacts between the Netherlands and China in both cultural and economic fields and to keep the dialogue going. What better way to do this than by employing the China experts from our membership who can draw on years of experience and in-depth knowledge about China. They put together a series of three lectures that will give you a better View of China.
Sign up for this series consisting of the following sessions:
- April 4: China General and Historical Perspective
- April 11: Chinese Language and Culture
- April 18: China’s economy, innovation and (geo)politics
Frans Greidanus was responsible for research in video, audio and data storage from 2000 as a member of the Philips Research management board. From 2005 to 2013, he was head of Philips Research Asia and CTO Philips Asia, based in Shanghai.
Frans is currently Qiushi Chair Professor at the School of Management of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, and an active member with the Association Netherlands China.
Lianne Baaij is a graduate sinologist and certified interpreter-translator and CRKBO recognized Chinese trainer. Lianne is owner of translation and consulting agency China Access.
Lianne is fluent in Chinese and has extensive knowledge of Chinese (business) culture. Lianne is a member of the Chinese section of the Levende Talen teachers’ network and is an active member and volunteer with the Netherlands China Association.
Attending the lectures can be done on your own computer, laptop or tablet. You will need a good internet connection and sound.
Cost for the entire series: VNC members €45,- pp for non-members €75,- (regardless off- /online)
If you would like to participate in these three lectures, as the start of the VNC masterclass cycle, please register by Mar 22, 2023 at with mention of “Lecture Series View of China ” and transfer the indicated costs in advance to account number NL94 INGB 0002 9987 32
After transferring the participation fee, you will receive your proof of participation with the link to the online lecture and a unique code to log in, which will allow you to attend the lectures and view them again a week after registration, by e-mail at the latest 3 days before the start of the series.